Monday, October 6, 2008

Experiencing The Office While In Your Office

We know that The Office is just a show. Can't possibly be real, right? Or as my wife says, "no one is actually that [fill in the blank]." Well, The Office Fanatic would argue (and does argue) that many of the traits of The Office characters exist in every office, and many even in my office. So today's The Office question of the day is:

Which The Office Character is Most Likely To Exist in The Real World?

I think the favorite answer is likely to be Michael. I mean, who doesn't like to pick on their boss. But The Office Fanatic's vote is Dwight, and to me that is best summarized by the "Weekend Warrior" personality. Every office has the "Weekend Warrior"Dwight equivalent. That's the infamous "Softball Guy" courtesy of Jim Rome. He's the (usually, but not always) guy who spent the weekend trying to dominate the younger generation on the court or field. He's not afraid to talk trash even though the body to back it up has passed away years ago. He's also (unfortunately) the first one to volunteer to be skins in the battle.

So tell The Office Fanatic what you think? Is there a Michael in your office, or a Pam, or a Kevin?

The Office Fanatic

Friday, October 3, 2008

We Missed The Office For This!?

What the heck?! That was the best that the VP's could do to justify preempting The Office!? Man, no real fireworks, no "There you go again" one-liners, no Kevin "clash of the titans" voice over. Anyway, that brings us to today's The Office Question of the Day:

Clash of the Titans: Who would win a wrestling match between Michael and Stanley?

"In this corner, you have Michael and he's really really mad. And in the other corner, you have Stanley and he's also really really mad" to quote Kevin. So who would win this battle? We've seen Michael square off with Dwight in the judo/karate ring (and Michael surprisingly won the match). And we've seen Stanley's athletic prowess on displace in the "Run for the Rabid" 5K and the basketball game against the dock workers. My pick is...

Michael. His surprising quickness in the match against Dwight really impressed me, and though I expect Stanley to be more aggressive (as he'd be more anger) than Michael in a battle, I fear that Stanley would simply run out of steam sooner than Michael. Consequently, I'm leaning towards Michael.

But what are your thoughts? Tell me why you think I'm an idiot, and why Stanley would carry the day.

Until next time,
The Office Fanatic

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

T-minus 1 day until the next The Office (Year 5; Episode 2)

The Office "Sneak Peak" clip that we got yesterday clearly shows the growing relationship between Michael and Holly. What, another love triangle, in this case Michael, Holly and Jan!? We've already got another love triangle with Angela, Dwight and Andy. The Office seems to be caught up in these love triangles, which brings us to today's The Office question of the day:

What will be the next "love triangle" on The Office?

I think this one is pretty obvious: Pam, Jim and a soon-to-return Toby. Toby!? Yep, that's right. Toby. I believe that we've not seen the last of Toby and the ending scene in last week's episode certainly foreshadowed the return of Toby. And that will set the stage for the third "love triangle" on The Office.

But to be fun, what other "love triangles" might emerge? Kelly, Darryl and Ryan? Meredith, Creed and the Sea Monster? Or what about an overlapping "love triangle" with Holly, Michael and Kevin?

So what do you think?

The Office Fanatic

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

T-minus 2 days until the next The Office (Year 5; Episode 2)

With only two days to go until the next episode of the 2008 version of The Office, today's question focuses on what happened in episode 1 that you think will carry forward to episode 2.

What story line in Episode 1 has the biggest role in Episode 2 of The Office?

I think the Dwight/Angela/Andy love triangle will be the biggest one, though I really don't enjoy that storyline as much as some of the others. I've never been a big fan of either Angela or Andy, and this storyline only reinforces my dislike of these two characters. But unfortunately, it has also brought Dwight down with them. He's just not funny in this love triangle. The love triangle does not play up Dwight's best features: stubborn, dense, macho-man-wanna-be. Maybe Moes needs to step into this next episode and kick some sense into Dwight. Now that's a scene that I'd like to see!!

So what do you think will be the storyline that has the biggest impact in episode 2? Jim and Pam? The return (and vengeance) of Ryan?

By the way, here's a link to episode 2 of The Office:

Sneak Peak: Business Ethics

The Office Fanatic

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun... The Office Quiz

Hey, I came across the below The Office quiz. Pretty fun. Take a shot and tell me how you did (I got 8 out of 10 right...not really that good for being a fanatic, I guess...). I've attached the quiz below.

Your Result - You are an Office expert! Your knowledge of the show is both impressive, and at the same time slightly frightening. Great Job!
You answered 80% of the questions correctly!

How well do you know "The Office"?

This 10 question quiz will test your knowledge of the US version of "The Office". Questions come from all 4 seasons, including some of the most recent episodes of the series.

Are you an 'Office' fanatic?

1. In the pilot episode of 'The Office' what office item of Dwight's was put into a jell-o mold?

2. What is the name of the guest speaker in the episode "Diversity Day"?

3. One of Michael's favorite catch phrases is...?

4. What is the name of Jim's girlfriend from Season 2?

5. What is the title of the episode where Jim kissed Pam for the first time?

6. What type of crop is grown on the Schrute farm?

7. What is the name of the song that Andy set as a ringtone on his phone after recording all the vocals himself?

8. After Dwight resigned in Season 3, he took a job at a Dunder Mifflin competitor, what was the name of the company?

9. How did Michael declare Bankruptcy in the episode "Money"?

10. What is the name of the town where 'The Office' is set?

What questions did you miss? Tell us how you did!

The Office Fanatic

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What is with Moes!?

In this latest version of The Office Fanatic, I'd love people's thoughts about Dwight's crazed brother Moes (not even sure that's the way that his name is spelt). We know that he's phenomenal at table tennis, isn't afraid of a raccoon, and can run like the wind through the beet fields. He's also not afraid to use an outhouse in the middle of the night either. But today's The Office Fanatic question of the day is:

Who is Moes and What Does the Future in The Office hold for him?

I love the character. I love the Amish-type of beard and the fact that he never talks. I think the future in The Office is bright for Moes. Maybe a budding relationship with Angela (as soon as she tires of trying to handle both Dwight and Andy)? Hey, Jan is in need of a father for her forthcoming child, why not Moes? The fact that he doesn't talk would probably sit very well with Jan.

So what do you think the future on The Office holds for Moes? And heck, how do you correctly spell his name? Help, please!!

The Office Fanatic

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Office Season Opener - 2008

Whoa! What the hell was last night's program about!? I hope that they were just setting up the rest of 2008, because that had to be one of the most weird, unfunny episodes of The Office that I've ever seen. Dwight and Angela!? Anything to do with Andy!? Michael with the weird goatee!? The return of a vengeful Ryan as the admin!? And that ending with Toby?! Sorry, but it was just too weird and not funny (not to mention the Dwight and Angela thing as very disgusting and disturbing). Well, here's to hopefully a more on-track, funny The Office episode next week.

The Office Question of The Day

So speaking of the weird relationship between Angela, Dwight and Andy, today's The Office question of the day is this: who finally ends up with Angela?

To be honest, after last night's episode, I'm not really sure that I care (see link below to The Office 2008 season opener titled "Weight Loss." But if I did, my guess is that it might not be either the clueless Andy, or the disgusting Dwight. My vote? I'm going with Creed. Why? Because why not! He's got a very questionable character, so morally he's perfect for Angela. And he probably doesn't give two bits about who Angela is coupling with.

Season Opener 2008: Weight Loss

Oh well, what do you think? Any votes for Kevin or Ryan or Michael? Maybe the return of Toby?

The Office Fanatic!!